Sunday, October 12, 2008

Quick Post from Chennai


I am in Chennai. Just settling in and I am goint to start work tomorrow, Monday. I am culture shocked and very homesick. But I really like the city and my roommate, Jasper, is really nice.

More later, when I am not using someone else's internet.

Love and Kisses to all.


JulietJuliet said...

Yay congratulations for being in Chennai!! I'm sorry you're homesick, but I'm sure you will feel better soon. I love you and I miss you!

Marcos Valle said...

Hey you,

Thanks for the call the other night. How is teaching treating you? Sorry you are homesick and sorrier you'll be missing Death Cab opening for Neil Young in - are you ready for this???? -EVERETT! this coming Tuesday. How's the food? You know, it costs 8.95 for the indian buffet at the little place on the corner of 196th and 68th... are you fairing better there? HAHAHA. On a serious note, we miss you and wish you all the best/ Keep in touch. Marcos

Anonymous said...

i want you to update my sweet!