Saturday, December 27, 2008

Happy Christmas

Well the term is over at Little Lambs, the musical was a huge success, Dad is here safely and I spent Christmas in Pondicherry. All those things are nice.

I saw my first elephant! It was AMAZING! I hadn't seen one yet, so I was pretty excited. It was part of a very large parade and was leading about one thousand tourists in bicycle rickshaws. I also saw monkeys up close (less than a meter away) when I was in Mahabs with Dad.

Christmas was odd but surprisingly pleasant away from home. We ate a very traditional Indian meal of veg biryani. (Chicken is more traditional with Christians, but we were at an all veg place.) I missed everyone a lot, though.

It's really wonderful having the whole family here. I am getting to show Dad around my India now. Which I hope he enjoys. Mum is leaving on the night of the 30th, and then Dad and I head to a nature reserve in Kerala on the 1st. I will be back at school on either the 6th or 7th.

Well, Happy Christmas and Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Ghidrah said...

I also saw monkeys up close (less than a meter away)

Haha. I like how you're using meters now.